Monthly Archives: January 2024

It’s “Shouldn’t-We-Change-The-Day?” Day, Again.

If you reading this from somewhere that isn’t Australia (probably most people), it probably seems ludicrous that there’s an annual argument about whether today, January 26, is a suitable day for Australia’s “national day”. It is, after all, nothing more than the anniversary of the day back in 1788 when the British flag was raised for the first time over the newly-founded penal settlement of New South Wales.

Not really a happy day for anyone. Not the convicts. Certainly not the Indigenous Australians who were displaced and ravaged by disease as a consequence. And not really for most of the military gaolers who mostly were sent to this backwater outpost because they’d been caught doing something untoward.

And while we don’t really support the glorification of the Colonial era, we figured that we might as well use this arbitrary date as an excuse to reveal one of the big titles we will be releasing later in 2024. It’s kind of fitting (and not at all glorifying). Yes, at last we will be revisiting Convicts & Cthulhu, rebooting our earlier Australian penal setting for Lovecraftian Roleplaying using the Cthulhu Eternal rules to make it a self-contained game in its own right.

Here’s what we think the cover will look like:

While we don’t yet have a final page count or release date, we can definitely confirm that it WILL be a print book as well as a PDF release, probably about 200-250 pages. Following the release of the core book we will be brushing off a lot of the previous “Ticket of Leave” supplements and making the best of that content available in print also. So many people have asked us for this over the years … so we’re very excited to be finally getting around to it.